Love can often lead people to extreme actions, such as suicide, but giving up and resorting to such actions should never be an option. Instead, it is important to turn to Allah Talah for both big and small needs, including the return of lost love. If you miss your former lover, the dua to get love back in 3 days can be of great help. This dua can melt the heart of your ex and make them miss you, ultimately leading them back to you.
To perform the dua for love back, one should begin with wudu and then read Durood-e-Sharif 52 times. After that, imagine your lover and chant “Ya Wadudu” 101 times, followed by reading Ayat-Al-Kursi 9 times. Then, recite Durood-e-Sharif 52 times and pray to Allah to bring your lover back to you. Performing this wazifa regularly for 51 days can help bring back lost love.
If you and your lover have broken up due to a misunderstanding and cannot seem to reconcile, the dua for love back in 3 days may help bring your lover back. The Surah Ikhlas will make your lover realize their mistake and lead them to come back to you and apologize. Reciting this dua with pure intent and clarity in your heart can help bring back lost love.
Dua For Lost Love Back
If your lover has left you because they do not want to marry you, reciting the Islamic prayer for your loved one to come back can help them realize their mistake and understand your worth in their life. The dua to make him love me again and the dua for lost love back can help reignite your lover’s love for you.
To perform the dua to get your lost love back, one should recite the dua 1000 times daily after the namaz of Maghrib and make dua to Allah Talah to make your lover realize your importance and come back to you. Insha Allah, in a period of 21 days, your lover will come back to you. If you do not get any results after 21 days, you can contact Ex Love Back Maulana Ji for customized help.
The most powerful dua for love back can have outstanding advantages, such as calming the mind, vanishing anxiety, immediately creating changes in your partner’s mind and heart, feeling positive changes in your lover’s behavior, and get your lover back in 3 days. With hope and the power of Allah Talah, lost love can be regained.